Friday, June 5, 2020

what's new?

What's next for Good Deed Rain?
Well, there's the sequel to The Robotic
Age (published 2018). And is it ever
exciting! A cast of characters featuring
the return of The Great Marconi, his
robot sidekick Cronco, Cronco's wife
and mischievous children, Sunny Jim,
a waitress who talks to ghosts, a
belligerent coach who sells mineral
water from a milktruck...Oh, you'll
just have to wait and see. Also, another
fully illustrated novel which will take
you to Ohio, spelunking and running
through winter fields. Meanwhile, I
finished writing my Don Wilson novel
(alluded to in earlier posts) and am
typing that up. And, I have just started
on a new novel, which is another one
that Scholastic Books should be
publishing (in a better world) about
a boy with a paper route. So I'm doing
all I can to keep you entertained. Stay

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