Thursday, May 18, 2023

El Gorila Blanco

I don’t know if I mentioned what happened after I wrote Walt Amherst is Awake. That novel features a white gorilla named White Pongo who actually stars in a 1945 movie. I decided to revive his career and featured him in a few more books since then. Then I saw an ad for the Rock’s hit new movie Rampage which features a white gorilla blowing up everything in sight. Yin and Yang. In my book, the gorilla wears a Captain cap and blue uniform and is crossing the bay in his little sailboat.


  1. The "White Gorilla" motif is common in Western culture as a representation of White Male Virility. It is often presented as foil against cultural narratives that suggest social evolution and intellectual advancement are commensurate with a decline in sexual potency. -- P. Brower

  2. That's pure rubbish.
