Saturday, February 28, 2015


Another PIE IN THE SKY cover. I used to fill these 
magazines with poetry and stories and drive them
into Seattle.


Here's the cover of PIE IN THE SKY #74. 
I still remember leaving this at The Black Cat Cafe
in Seattle, feeling nervous about it, hoping someone
would notice it.

working forward

I'm working on the next two books
to be published by GOOD DEED RAIN.
There will be a collection of five novels first
and then a big collection of short stories.
For that one, I've been finding gems in
my old magazine PIE IN THE SKY.
Here's the cover from #84 from 1994.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Praise for ROOSEVELT

My friend, author Paul Piper
started reading ROOSEVELT and says:

"Allen i am reading roosevelt and it is wonderful
you have cast a spell over me already and
the circus hasn't even come yet
this is the true thing
bringing joy and cheer to a troubled world"

Here's one of Paul's books:

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Praise for ROOSEVELT

This is from Audrey:

"The book arrived yesterday and I read it last night.
What a charming story--full of magical realism.
Also quite philosophical. Fred's illustrations are
perfect for the time and characters. They bring me
back to that era. I would have been 9 at that time
and remember a lot of what he talked about--like
blackout shades. Allen makes it clear he is very 
anti-war and it was brave of him to have Andrew
escape the draft. I would have done that for Scott
during the VietNam war. I think Shirley would
like to read this." 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

original map

This is the original map Fred Sodt drew for
ROOSEVELT. Can you find the elephant?

love in your meditation

Dezarie creates the most beautiful and soothing
roots music, the most soulful and inspirational
sounds. This is her new album LOVE IN YOUR
MEDITATION and I just keep listening to her
over and over again.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Artificial Florist

I just finished reading THE LIFE & POETRY
OF TED KOOSER,by Mary Stillwell. I'm a fan
of Mr. Kooser and enjoyed this description a lot:

"Kooser has filled his studio windows with
artificial flowers salvaged from Lincoln thrift shops.
He has painted door and window casings with a
variety of flowers, hearts, leaves, and vines,
reminiscent of Pennsylvania Dutch designs.
‘When people ask me what I’m doing there,’ he says,
‘I tell them that I am The Artificial Florist.’”

Saturday, February 7, 2015

keep going

Already working on sequel to ROOSEVELT.
Set years later in another America. A couple
of the same characters may reappear. I just 
finished rereading a book I like, JACK THE BEAR
by Dan McCall.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

western today

This news item appeared in the Western Today this afternoon.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

another Fred drawing

Here's another amazing drawing by
Bellingham artist Fred Sodt, who illustrated